Mediumship and Life after Death

September 23, 2012

Leo’s New FaceBook page its Public! Leo Bonomo interviewed on Radio.

Hi there, I have now got a “Public” Face Book account that links to my web-page.

On it you can link directly to more information on all kinds of things.

I have also recently been interviewed on Dominic Zendens paranormal Radio show on Castle Radio Should you wish to listen the show is to be archived and will be available to hear within two weeks time I’m told. For a link to it go to my web site Meanwhile, here are some pics from the show, more of course are on my site.

Dominic is a well known author, media figure you can find a link to him on my site.

September 8, 2012

A relevant question from Jonny.There has to be some point to why young innocent people die and evil men like Anders Behring Breivik can still breath the same air as us. Why wars, Breivik, famine, Tsunamis and famine in the world? If life is a series of tests does it mean when you die the you have passed them?

My pops told me to ask you guys here instead of asking on Facebook. So I will try and put a bit more detail in it.


Just a month ago I lost a good friend, taking away from us unexpectedly and very quickly. We are sadden in the music world of Oslo. Such a talent and an inspiration to many people. He died of natural causes but we still don’t know the exact reason


Also about a month ago a young 16 year went missing in Oslo. Which started a big nation wide hunt for her. Sigrid was found murdered last Tuesday.This is shocking news for Norway as things like don’t happen often here.  But two men have been arrested for it and the police are quite convinced they are the ones who did it


With these deaths that seem so u fair and makes no sense. I started to ask myself what is the point? Why should people die so soon and why did this young girl have to die in that manor. So my question is. If life is a series of tests does it mean when you die the you have passed them? Would this then explain why so many young people pass before their life has even started.


We had a horrific Loss on 69 children last year some as you as young 14 was killed by that Anders bastard Breivik and over 244 and was injured and some of them will never get over their injuries. There has to be some point to why young innocent people die and evil men like this can still breath the same air as us.




Hi Jonny,


You must realise that I can only give generalisations on questions such as these.


Firstly no, it is not the end of the tests when we pass; we incarnate many times and set ourselves these tasks when we feel ready to tackle them in other incarnations. We may view things very differently from spirit than when we are here, from spirit it is quite dispassionate, do not confuse that with uncaring, in spirit a much bigger picture can be seen depending on which plane (world) you occupy and your own spiritual level.


It does seem hard that people choose these lives – both being murdered or the murderer and in fact to choose life as a paraplegic or one of the millions starving in Africa, but we do. Often these lives teach us a great deal more than more “ordinary lives” very often it is the higher more spiritually evolved that choose hard lives which is where the phrase comes from that “the good die young” so there is some truth in that. Those who do pass young have tended to choose that path, little happens by accident.


Part of our experiences over eternity is to view a particular event from every conceivable angle, for example the one you have chosen, being murdered. One life would be lived as the person to be murdered, this can often have a karmic repayment involved in it in either way and every sense, and so you allow yourself to be. As you have rightly said “why/how could anyone do this?” well in the next life (or another one) you choose to be the murderer to understand in a fuller sense what could drive a person to do such a thing.


You may also choose a life where you are the brother, mother, cousin of the murderer or murdered to experience it from those angles. You may spend 10 – 20 lives around this particular thing, one where you want revenge and take it and one where you don’t etc, there are so many paths that lead from this one act.


We might also take the fact of war, intrinsically yes such a bad thing but actually it gives the experience of perhaps not only the fear and destruction to experience but we must remember that so many brave acts are performed saving lives and giving of them for others this of course applies to every area where there is devastation like Tsunami, millions starving etc. This is why spirit say “we view it from a dispassionate angle” if we take the earth emotion out of it we can see that wonderful chances are given to do the right thing, just look at Schindler for example. He could have ignored the situation as so many did of course, profited from it by siding with the Nazis or do what he did save close to 1,000 lives and saved generations to come at great personal cost.


In each life we live we have choices – free will, and while some events (not all) have those aspects we have the right to choose and this manifest’s in choosing right from wrong. Those choices at certain points are critical like for instance to murder someone perhaps in a moment of madness. Our tests are so often in our reactions to these events, the stresses and strains that they bring…. How they affect our lives Or how we let it affect our lives.


Those like Anders will see exactly what they have inflicted. They will feel the exact pain each had gone through and also every person that they affect not only for generations to come but each individual who has remained, brothers, mothers, fathers, sister’s cousins, uncles grandparents etc, etc, etc. They will feel every emotion for themselves and cannot escape it at all and it may take someone like Anders very many hundreds of earth years to understand and repay it all.


One of the side effects of this act (on the surface so bad) is that you and I and many millions on the world send our love and light to all those concerned, this is so important because it enables us who are spiritual and right thinking, to send the light of love into this world so that all can reap its benefits, so that all can understand we should try to stop this kind of thing.


If that stops even one more is that not a good thing? We should never underestimate the power of compassion…


In Syria we can see that so many innocents are affected, if it were not for media we would not be aware, if it were not for media who of us would begin to understand the horrors of war the truth that yes while soldiers battle the greater number of innocents are the ones affected that those innocents, like us are involved because we are there… In viewing this our hearts love and light go out to them, in viewing this the world sides with good and steps in.


The outrage that Anders has brought has invited so much light into the world, I do not of course condone in any way, I would not hurt any animal soul, or human being and I constantly ask that I never accidently kill or maim another much preferring to give my life such as it is than take another.


In past wars this was all hidden, propaganda “showed us” that our enemy were all beasts that deserved to be annihilated that right and God were on our side because they were “inhuman”… now we see the truth that we and they are the same….


2012 is so important… One of the important things is that there will be a clearing and many, not all, of those to be cleared are those who have not learned the lesson of doing right. They have had many lifetimes of trying to improve their soul level, of trying to bring themselves up in vibration but they seem to not have the will to do it.


In consequence they have at this time a “last chance” to improve and so many have not. These will be included in the clearing and they will never return to what we call earth again (this does not mean of course that there will never be evil people after this because this place we call earth is one of testing, that is its purpose).


They will incarnate into other lives on other planets/planes where they have eternity to see the light rather than many lives in earth years to fumble around. There are others who have chosen to go in the clearing too who have made the choice to pass and help those who need help in passing also.


The clearing will involve millions and this place we call earth will never be the same again, thank God. A brand new era is at its dawn and we are all privileged to be able to participate in it never before of after will there be such an important time in our history.


I hope this helps to place some perspective on this for you? Life, reincarnation and karma are far from simple the interplay of each is so complex that it would take a life time to even scratch the surface. To add to this there are the qualities we choose to make our incarnation “more interesting” like for example a temper to complicate matters… which choose not only who we are but what we are for our lessons.


If you think back a mere 2,000 years and the hardship of life then… so many of us would have killed to survive or protect our crops and families, should it be imperative now at this precise moment for you to save someone you love by killing or allowing another to die, and have not a second to think about it… would you let someone die or kill them?

This is why it is said “Judge not lest ye be judged” because we cannot ever know in this limited place exactly the whys, wherefores of a person’s life and their actions and reasons for them.


They may not fully understand themselves but to apply the earth law when a spiritual one says “this is a kindness, a repayment for the intertwined lives you both had 3,000 years ago and it must be” who are we to say this is wrong? We are not fit to judge ourselves let alone others in this complex situation.


All we can do is do our own best, do it in love and light, and for the right reasons, help all those we can and understand more fully when we get over whether we have passed our self set tests ourselves.


There is no one to judge us… we only judge ourselves and that is why it is so poignant. When we get over we know right from wrong what is most important is the intent; if we had to shoot someone that is killing so many and we have saved so many more, is it right to do? Think how many you have saved by that act? And yet killing on many levels for us is wrong… how do we consolidate that? Again without all knowledge which we can never attain in this life, we cannot ever say.


Light, always, Leo.

September 7, 2012



Dr Alex Katsman (May, 2004)

At the present time there is a lot of evidence that a certain part of the universe is invisible to us. The most important facts are connected with the survival of a human mind after the physical death of the body. Experimental studies regarding contact with “dead” people were performed by two outstanding scientists, Sir William Crookes [1] and Sir Oliver Lodge [2], over one hundred years ago. Similar experiments were performed by a number of researchers in our time [3]. The first reasonable explanation of the results was apparently suggested by Oliver Lodge: this invisible part of the world operates at higher frequencies than the ones in the world we are able to sense. Many investigators support this idea. However, the theoretical basis regarding such a world is absent. Most authors think of this world as a “spirit” world.

A substantial step in understanding the universe was taken by Ronald Pearson [4]. Pearson’s theory is based on the idea that when two kinds of primary particles are present, collisions and the exchange of energy between them cause the creation of a neuron-like structure. This theory has opened a new field for modeling and explaining so-called “paranormal” phenomena. The wave nature of our world, which is closely linked to Pearson’s theory, can be used to explain the existence of parallel worlds. Such parallel worlds are material to the same degree as our sensed world is. This means that they have the same wave nature with the same (or similar) physical laws.

With this idea as a starting point, one can develop a physical, quantum mechanics model of the higher frequency, parallel (ethereal) world that is usually invisible for us.

The Model

Based on experimental evidence, the following main principles were used in the developing the physical model:

1) The ethereal world is real and independent of our minds;
2) It exists in our “SPACE” and in our “TIME”;
3) The ethereal world has the wave (field) nature;
4) Ethereal bodies have a complex internal structure and consist of small elementary wave-particles;
5) The geometrical sizes and energy values of etheric bodies are of the same order as ones in our part of the universe;
6) The ethereal world is usually invisible for us and for our devices.

According to Pearson’s theory, all energy in the universe is kinetic, and particles which have a non-zero rest mass consist of photon-like (or neutrino-like) particles with zero rest mass moving at the speed of light. The same conclusion was made by G. Shipov who developed the theory of the physical vacuum [5].

Let us consider the structure of a photon. A photon is a moving wave package consisting of N harmonic waves with close wavelengths, in a narrow interval of λ1 to λN, (or, equivalently, with close wave numbers k=2π/λ, from k1 to kN), with amplitudes A1, with total energy ε. Photons move at a constant velocity named the speed of light, c. This speed depends upon the properties of the medium in which the photon moves. For a given speed, c, the corresponding frequencies of wave harmonics can be found:

νi=ci=c×ki/2π  and  ωi=c×ki , i=1,…N (1)

The energy of the wave package can be found as follows:


where s is the cross-section area of the wave package, A(0)=A1N is the amplitude of the package. As it can be seen from eq.(2), the energy of the wave package depends on geometrical parameters (ki and A) and does not depend on the speed, c, and frequencies, ωi. In the world with a certain speed of light, c, the energy of the package can be rewritten in the form:


where  is the average, carrying frequency, , where h is Planck’s constant,


Since  is constant for all average frequencies of photons (as was found in experiments), it should be concluded that  for all photons, of any kind. Another consequence of eq.(4) is that  is inversely proportional to the speed of light, c, and that their product is constant:


It should be noted that this product is very important because it determines the elementary electrical charge, e:


Let us now assume that the speed of light depends on structure and properties of the medium (ether). According to Pearson’s theory, the ether (or i-ther) is an inhomogeneous medium consisting of two kinds of particles moving with different velocities. In this case the wave package can be constructed from harmonic waves spreading in a sub-space of a certain type of particle. Spreading speeds of different wave packages can be different (in the same manner as speeds of sound waves in a solid consisting of several types of atoms). So we may assume that at least two kinds of photons exist, and the corresponding speeds of light, c1 and c2, may differ substantially:


The geometry of the wave packages (an amplitude A(0) and bordering wave lengths, λ1 and λN) are determined by the geometry of  the ether network and can be assumed to be similar. In this case the energy and the size of packages (average wavelengths) are the same, but the Planck’s constants are different:


So, Planck’s constant decreases with an increase in the speed of light. The carrying frequency of the wave package increases accordingly:


According to the famous equation:


photon mass is in inverse proportion to the square of the speed of light. Since the momentum of the photon is p=ε/c, increasing the speed of light leads to a decrease in the momentum:


Thus, we have two kinds of photons, with the same range of energies and sizes, but with substantially different frequencies, momentums and masses, and moving with different speeds.

What now can be said about a particle consisting of photons or photon-like particles? Certainly, for such particles, previous statements about decreasing masses and increasing frequencies remain true. Take, for example, an electron with a non-zero resting mass. According to Pearson’s theory, this mass is a sum of kinetic masses of photon-like particles forming this electron. Therefore its resting mass will obey the law of eq.(10). The resting energy of this electron, ε0e, is the same in both worlds as well as its Compton’s radius:


According to quantum mechanics, every moving particle has wave properties. The corresponding wavelength is determined by the de Broglie relation λ=h/p=h/mv, where m is the mass of the particle and v is its velocity. The frequency of the particle, f, is given by the relation f=Wkin/h, where Wkin is the kinetic energy (usual meaning) of the particle. Wave behavior of electrons manifests itself, for example, in such phenomena as diffraction of electrons passing through metal film. However, these are probability waves, and diffraction patterns are the result of statistics. Statistical behavior of particles (described by quantum mechanics) is connected with their space extent: a particle can be considered as a wave package of harmonic waves. This package can be described as a quantum liquid drop with infinite degrees of freedom [6,7]. By the way, all particles have a field, wave nature, but real lengths of harmonic waves forming the particle are determined by relations similar to eq.(12) and not by the de Broglie relation.

Assuming that typical energies of free elementary particles in both cases have the same order we may conclude that typical frequencies of particles in the second world (we’ll name this the ethereal world) are much higher than ones in our first, “physical” world:


This is true for all elementary particles (electrons, protons, neutrino, etc.): typical frequencies of the moving elementary particles increase proportionally to the speed of light and their masses decrease proportionally to the square of the light speed.

New electrons, protons and neutrons may form new atoms in the second world. Since the elementary charge, e, does not change (see eq.(6)), the geometrical structure of atoms is conserved. For example, Bohr radius, which determines the hydrogen atom size, does not change:


This is true also for the Bohr magneton, which determines the magnetic properties of elementary particles and atoms:


Energy levels and the radii of the circular orbits of the electron in the hydrogen atom are computed by the formulas:



As can be seen, they are the same in both worlds.

An atom can absorb a discrete portion (quantum) of electromagnetic energy (photon) equal to the difference between the levels of energy in spectrum (16) if an electron “jumps” from a closer orbit to a farther one. An excited atom radiates a photon when an electron returns to a closer orbit from a farther one. The magnitude of the emitted or absorbed quantum of energy,ωk, is given by the condition:


The same conditions hold valid for many-electron atoms.

So, the energy spectrum of electromagnetic waves – photons – emitted and absorbed by atoms in our world and in the supposed ethereal one is the same. But the frequency spectrums are different:


This is most likely the main reason for the fact that we cannot sense or record the electromagnetic waves from the ethereal world with our devices: photons emitted by ethereal atoms have appropriate energies, but much higher frequencies. An atom as an oscillatory system can absorb energy of the waves with resonance frequencies only. This means that our atoms cannot absorb photons emitted by analogous ethereal atoms. On the other hand, ethereal photons with appropriate (low) frequencies (created, for example, during braking of ethereal electrons) may be absorbed by our atoms, but they have too little energy (because of small Planck’s constant) in comparison with “our” photons, and transfer less momentum than “our” photons by a factor of n2.  This makes it difficult to recognize them in the total signal.

Thus, the parallel, ethereal world has the following features:

1) The speed of light is much higher, than in our world, eq.(7);
2) Typical frequencies of elementary particles (photons, electrons, protons, neutrino, etc.,) are much higher than the corresponding ones in our world, eqs.(9), (13), (19);
3) Planck’s constant is much smaller, eq.(8);
4) Masses of elementary particles as well as atoms are much smaller, eq.(10);
5) Elementary charge is the same, eq.(6);
6) The structure of atoms: size, geometry and energy spectrum of atoms are the same as in our world;
7) Ethereal solid, liquid and gaseous matter can be formed from ethereal atoms in the same manner as in our world;
8) Ethereal photons as well as the other ethereal elementary particles are invisible to us because of their high frequencies; this is true also for ethereal atoms and for solid matter built from these atoms.

The last statement should be considered the most carefully because of its great importance. It is based on the assumption that the world has a fully wave nature, and all elementary particles are constructed from photon-like or neutrino-like particles with zero rest mass. In this case, two different wave objects may occupy the same place. They influence each other, leading to an interference picture, only in the case where their frequencies are similar. In the quantum mechanics language the condition for mutual influence of atoms is the appropriate frequencies of the electromagnetic fields carried by the photons which are absorbed and emitted by those atoms.

In ordinary life we feel surrounding things due to electromagnetic interaction between our own atoms (in our eyes, skin, and neurons, for example) and photons emitted by atoms of surrounding bodies. Since our atoms cannot absorb photons emitted by ethereal atoms, the ethereal world is invisible to us.

The second type of interaction we have with surrounding bodies is gravitational. We feel the attraction of the Earth, and most likely the main reason for our need of energy is the necessity to overcome the force of gravitation. It is interesting to note that the evolution of life on Earth can be considered as a history of struggle for food that, in turn, is required for the energy needed to overcome gravitation! All our digestive, blood and respiratory systems are needed to provide energy for muscle systems – again – to overcome gravitation!

In the supposed ethereal world, the gravitational forces are very weak. Actually, the gravitational force between two bodies,, is proportional to the product of their masses, m1m2, and in the ethereal world it will be n4 times less than the force between analogous bodies in the our world. For example, if n=100,.  It means that living etherians, if they exist, don’t need energy to overcome gravitational attraction.

What would life be like in the ethereal world? We may suppose that etherians have no problems with food because they don’t need nearly as much energy as Earth people. They may possibly receive appropriate chemical energy (mainly for brain and nervous activity) immediately from electromagnetic fields (fluxes of ethereal photons) and neutrino flows. If so, they don’t need digestive and blood systems, nor a respiratory system. They can move very quickly because of the absence of gravitational forces and atmosphere resistance, small mass and high light velocity. So, they have no problems with territory and do not struggle for their existence. At least, not in the same way as in our world.

Can we interact with this world? Might there exist a number of parallel worlds with different constants c and ? These are interesting questions…

Parallel Ethereal World and the Principle of Relativity

According to the Special Theory of Relativity, we live in a 4-dimensional world in which three coordinates are spatial, and the forth one is connected with time, t, and should be taken in the form (ict), where c is the light velocity and i is the imaginary unit. In this space every material body or system has a 4-dimensional energy-momentum vector, (cpx, cpy, cpz, imc2). The square of this vector is invariant for all inertial (that is, non-accelerated) frames of reference:


If, for example, a frame of reference is connected with the particle moving along axis X with the velocity v, coordinates and momentums in this new reference are connected with ones in the initial frame of reference by the Lorentz relations:


The speed of light, c, is the same for all such frames of reference, independent of the motion of the observer, and it is the maximum possible velocity for all material bodies in our world.

Special theory of relativity does not consider, however, the possibility of relative motion along the forth, time-axis. Our world can be considered as moving along this axis with the speed of light.

Let us introduce a new frame of reference which moves along the time-axis with the speed c1. Coordinate transformation which conserves a square of energy-momentum vector is given by:


The last equation requires also the change of masses:


that exactly coincides with eqs.(10). In this case the square of energy-momentum vector is invariant of the transformation (22):


Velocities of a body in the new and the old frames of reference are connected by the relation:


So, we obtained the same results as previously, eqs.(10), (11). The new result is the change in the rate of time: with increasing the light velocity the rate of time decreases. But what is the physical meaning of time?

We use time to characterize: a) space transference of material objects; b) the rate of processes such as transformations of elementary particles, nuclear and chemical reactions. Transference in space is characterized by the product (v×t). According to eqs. (22) and (25), this product does not change:


As about nuclear and chemical reactions as well as transformations of elementary particles, their rates, apparently, are also connected with the light velocity in the given frame of reference, namely, they are proportional to it. If K is the rate of a certain reaction in the system with the light velocity c, and K1 is the rate of the same reaction in the system with the light velocity c1, the following equality can be assumed:


and the quantity of the reaction productsdoes not change. By this means the slow down of the rate of time is compensated by acceleration of all processes with increasing the light velocity. As a result, all processes, including vital activity, occur in the same manner, in both frames of reference, in accordance with General Principle of Relativity.

The principle of relativity, in the most general form, including acceleration and rotation of frames of reference, was taken into account by G. Shipov in his theory of physical vacuum [5]. Shipov’s vacuum equations have allowed the General Theory of Relativity to be combined with electrodynamics and with quantum field theory. It turned out that these equations do not contain any universal constants such as light velocity, Planck’s constant or elementary electrical charge. Certain combinations of these constants should be introduced into the equations. Using a certain velocity of light, c, Shipov determines a density of matter as following [5]:


where Tim is the energy-momentum tensor, gim is the metric tensor. Transformation of the coordinate frame of reference (22) conserves the value of T, so the density of matter is inversely proportional to the square of light velocity, in accordance with our assumption (23). So, an existence of material systems with a different velocity of light does not contradict the General Principle of Relativity used in the theory of physical vacuum [5].

Existence of the Second Body

According to many religious doctrines, and in the views of many parapsychologists, mediums and extrasensors, we possess a second body, or soul, which leaves our physical body at the moment of death. Some people have recounted that they saw themselves from above while in the state of clinical death.

Let us assume that we really possess a second body that exists in the parallel ethereal world. Let us also assume that this second body is an exact (or almost exact) copy of our first, “physical” body: it consists of analogous atoms, molecules, cells, organs, a brain and nervous systems. What should be the mass of this body? According to eq.(10),


There is some evidence that at the moment of death the weight of the human body decreases by several grams. If we associate this decrease with the release of the second body, it can be used to evaluate n. For example, if Mbody=80kg and ΔM=Msecond=2g,. Unfortunately, the data for weight decrease is not reliable because the weight may decrease for a number of different reasons. But it gives us a principal possibility to evaluate n and correspondingly the speed of light in the ethereal world.

The statement that the second body is tightly bound to the “physical” body and leaves it during death leads to the following conclusions:

1) Our two worlds may interact:

a) change in weight manifests gravitational interaction of an ethereal body with the Earth;

b) attractive interaction between our ethereal and “physical” bodies, Fet-ph, exists;

2) The force of interaction Fet-ph depends on vital functions of our body:

when they cease or fall off substantially, this force vanishes (or weakens, as in the case of clinical death);

3) This is a long-range interaction:

the second body may return to the “physical” one if the latter resumes its vital functions.

The existence of this force of interaction can be connected with energy flows both in our physical body and in the second body while we are alive. However, this will be the subject of future work.


The invisible part of the universe has a physical structure similar to the world we sense: the matter is built from atoms, which, in turn, are constructed from nucleons and electrons, with the same elementary electrical charge. The size, structure and energy spectrum of ethereal atoms and presently detected atoms are the same.

The ethereal world is invisible to us because of different “universal” constants such as the speed of light, c, and Planck’s constant, h, while their product, c×h, which determines the elementary charge, is conserved. The ethereal speed of light is much higher than the one in our world, and Planck’s constant is much smaller. This leads to higher frequencies in the ethereal elementary particles, and in particular, photons, which realize the electromagnetic interaction between atoms. Our atoms cannot absorb ethereal photons, and the ethereal world remains invisible to us.

There apparently exists gravitational interaction between the ethereal world and our world, but this interaction is very small because of the very small masses of ethereal bodies.


1. Sir William Crookes FRS, Researches into the Phenomena of Spiritualism, Two Worlds Publishing Company Ltd, 1904.
2. Sir Oliver Lodge FRS, The Mode of Future Existence, 1933 Lecture.
3. Michael Roll, The Scientific Proof of Survival after Death
4. Ronald Pearson, Consciousness as a Sub-Quantum Phenomena, Frontier Perspectives, the magazine of The Center for Frontier Perspectives at Temple University. Volume 6, Number 2. Spring/Summer 1997.
5. Shipov G. I., Theory of physical vacuum, “Nauka”, Moscow, 1997
6. Madelung B. Zetshr.Phys.,1926, Bd.40, 332
7. Alekseev B.V., Abakumov A.M., DAN USSR, 1982, v.262, No.5, p.1100.





September 2, 2012


This seems to be a good film about the new feeling that has come in. There are so many films that have this aspect to them. In my book Summerland, channelled in 1987 and first published in 2010 and to be re released within a year, there are various prophecies one of which is the abundance of these types of films and programmes. As soon as it is due for republishing I will post. Do visit my site

THE WAY OF THE PEACFUL WARRIOR is a 2006 drama film starring Scott Mechlowicz, Nick Nolte, and Amy Smart. Released on June 2, 2006, it is based on the novel Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman. The film is set in U.C. Berkeley but is shot at UCLA . It features a troubled but talented gymnast who meets an unlikely spiritual guide. The movie traces his journey of discovery as he grows through many psychic and spiritual experiences. Watch now.


PMH Atwater writes:

” Ari Hallmark knew two months in advance that her family was going to die. I’m not clear if her knowing came in a dream or she just suddenly “knew.”

She used the two-month wait to enjoy her family and give them a lot of love. Their dying, then, was known to her. Because of that she is at peace with what happened, and is living with her maternal grandmother.

She has two uncles who are still alive. She is doing well, has lots of energy, is quicker and smarter than before, and is starting to exhibit the after effects pattern typical of near-death experiences”.

To get a copy of Ari Hallmark’s book, you must now call the Christian Bookstore “Heaven Bound,” run by Valerie and Randy Wix – call USA (256) 931-2053.

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