Mediumship and Life after Death

August 12, 2011


(This is a continuation from part 7)

(This would be fairly close to a real cross-examination- the information is taken from what closed-minded materialist J.Zwingi Randi has ALREADY ACCEPTED and IMPLIED. Some very minor flexibility and embellishment consistent with Zwingi Randi’s beliefs and record have been used for easier reading and understanding of the script. Randi’s beliefs have not been misrepresented. Words in caps are there for emphasis – very important in cross-examination).

Part 8.

Victor: Do you remember American celebrity Don Lane interviewing you on his on his Australian television show in Sydney?

Randi: I don’t remember…

Victor: You don’t? Let me briefly remind you. That was when Don Lane was asking you about your skepticism and the aggressive attacks you made on medium Doris Stokes. At one time you were seen by the television viewers sitting on a chair near Don Lane trying to secretly bend a key on the edge of the chair you were sitting on. Why did you try to CHEAT to use trickery, to use dishonesty … when Don Lane and millions of viewers caught you cheating?

Randi: That never happened the way you described it …

Victor: Never happened eh? With your permission your Honor I have a video to submit into evidence marked item 4 to be shown right now. It shows clearly the defendant was trying to bend the key, using dishonesty, deception and cheating ….

Randi: OK, OK, OK …You don’t have to do that … I was trying to show how those who claim they can bend keys with their mind really do it.

Victor: Answer the question, you were cheating, right?

Randi: I suppose one could….


Randi: Yes ….

Victor: YES WHAT?

Randi: Yes, I was cheating … that’s how these so called psychics do …

Victor: Have you yourself ever caught just one psychic in the last forty years cheating the way you were trying to cheat when millions witnessed it on television?

Randi: No … but it happens ..

Victor: Why would you say that when not one psychic ever has been caught cheating the way you were?

Randi: (Remains quiet …)

Victor: So, you’ve been investigating the paranormal for over forty years?

Randi: Yes, something like that …

Victor: And you never ever found any evidence for the paranormal or the afterlife?

Randi: No, never …

Victor: And you are on record for stating that all so-called mediumship can be accounted for by cold reading … right?

Randi: Absolutely!!!

Victor: Are you aware that materializations are the greatest proof for the afterlife …

Randi: I don’t believe that …

Victor: Have you ever empirically investigated materializations?

Randi: There’s nothing to investigate … they’re all frauds …

Victor: So, your answer is NO?

Randi: No …

Victor: How do you know they’re all frauds if you have never investigated materializations?

Randi: Simply because the afterlife does not exist …

Victor: You do not think that materialization mediumship is really contacting those from the afterlife …

Randi: Absolutely NOT!

Victor: What’s your evidence for that?

Randi: It’s all cold reading … that’s my evidence …

Victor: What do you mean by cold reading …

Randi: This is when the psychic asks questions and gets the information through trick questions and body language … Cold readers commonly employ high probability guesses about the subject …

Victor: So this means that the coldreader has to be able to see the sitter…

Randi: Yes, absolutely ….

Victor: But how can this happen when a materialization medium is tied and gagged BEHIND A CURTAIN in the dark? He can’t see anyone.

Randi: (Hesitating …) They collude with others …

Victor: When independent scientists investigated materialization it was IMPOSSIBLE for the medium to collude… those present were all scientists, security people experts in fraud detection and selected observers … are you calling these scientists, security people and other professionals all frauds?

Randi: Can’t you see … if there is no afterlife they have to be indulging in fraud …

Victor: Fraud? Are you into what psychology calls ‘PROJECTION’ – projecting onto others what you do when YOU YOURSELF do testing yourself …?

Randi: (Does not answer)

Victor: And yes, you were convinced that everything is cold reading … did you not try to do a demonstration of cold reading for Fulcrum TV – in London – a television pilot called THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE?

Randi: I don’t remember …

Victor: This was another one of YOUR HOAXES, remember?

Randi: NO, I don’t remember the details ..

Victor: My what a SELECTIVE memory you have! Of course you don’t remember, you tried to CHEAT, you tried to collude with those materialist producers, you were trying to be DISHONEST…But you were so bad trying to pretend to be a gifted professional medium that the audience very loudly booed you off the stage…

Randi: I was not booed off …

Victor: That’s what the record shows … And did not those materialist producers who conspired with you state they were very embarrassed and they were cutting all the ridiculous cold-reading idiocy exhibited by you from the show?

Randi: I don’t remember …

Victor: Of course not … Given your conduct and your crusades against the paranormal – and given the fact that there are now more people in the world who accept the paranormal and the afterlife than at any other time in history, don’t you think in fact that by your conniving, and your hoaxes you are successfully converting more people to the extreme opposite beliefs you hold?

Randi: I deny that …


Victor: Let’s move on … you are on record for publicly stating that you can duplicate anything a psychic can do… Do you still hold that belief?

Randi: Yes ….

Victor: Ever heard of psychic medium Michelle Whitedove?

Randi: NO …

Victor: She won the best American psychic a couple of years ago and why is it that people such as yourself run interstate in great panic when she comes to town?

Randi: I don’t do that …

Victor: Does not your failure to deal with Michelle Whitedove show that you just cannot duplicate the brilliant demonstration she performed for millions of viewers around the world?

Randi: (Hesitating) … What did she do?

Victor: Why is it that everybody else seems to know what she did except you — does she scare you that much?

Randi: No she doesn’t …

Victor: Since you boasted you could DUPLICATE anything a psychic can do, all you have to do is to do what Michelle Whitedove did, find a buried stuntman in a 12 acre area of near desert land within 29 minutes – CAN YOU DO THAT, YES OR NO?

Randi: No …. I think whoever televised her was fraudulent …

Victor: Always projecting what you have in your own mind again Randi?

Randi: Naaaaah ……

Victor: She had during the psychic test one most fundamental, most precious thing YOU REFUSE to have in your HOAX challenge … TRULY INDEPENDENT ADJUDICATORS… again, will you do what the psychic Michelle Whitedove did and allow, with joint approval, truly independent adjudicators for your challenge?

Randi: Absolutely NOT ….

Victor: You conceded YOU CANNOT DO WHAT THIS BRILLIANT PSYCHIC CAN DO even with independent experts conducting the experiment … you only try to ridicule and bully the very weak psychics. You do not even try to take on the $500,000 challenge to duplicate her psychic performance. What’s the matter with you, don’t you have the moral courage and the fortitude to take on the challenge to show the world you’re right?

Randi: Does not answer …

Victor: Or is it that you are really scared out of your wits you make a fool of yourself as you did in your hoax at Fulcrum?

Randi: No I’m not scared ….

Victor: So you keep on saying ..

August 5, 2011

Video of an elemental? Is this a fairy? Remarkable video is it real?

Look at this fascinating Video of an elemental It is fairly clear and startling as you can see from the reactions of the people involved. – Sceptics have always made much of the Cottingley Fairies and Arthur Conan Doyle. Thanks to today’s inventions things are now so much easier to not only taken evidence from in the first place but to transmit in the second place.

 Many sites show “new” or weird pictures and film some of which is obviously faked. This does seem very real. I know elementals exist the stories that have been expounded into “children’s stories” are like many myths founded deeply in truth.

 See what you think.

I am updating this as we view. I have found invariably where elementals play there are other forms. It is the same in this case where there are clearly faces in the picture. So here are some stills from the video…

























August 4, 2011


 I went on a wonderful retreat day with a friend.

It has had a profound effect on me. So much of this interconnects with the Secret and other things we all know to be true. Do look at their site.


Meditation: a little and often a minute every hour.

Raja = King, master, highest.

Yoga = Yoke, to connect. Meditation = Medi Ore = to heal, to become whole.

Our thoughts are our energies.

Get our thoughts right, get our bodies and lives right.

We are what we think. What we need to understand is “WHAT WE THINK.”

We need to concentrate on I AM A PEACEFUL BEING. I



The interface between body and soul is vibration.

This is caused by the being of light that you are.

Thoughts are things.

Thoughts create feelings, create actions.

Actions create reactions.

War begins in the mind of man.

With avoidance of external pressures we are calm,

we are light, we are cleansed, we are pure energy.

I was inspired to write this which shall form part of a book I am currently channelling.

We are on the verge of a “new discovery” up to date, including and post 2012 the discovery is new to us (as humans) never new to us (as the Spirit) why do we have to take so long to discover old knowledge? It is part of the trial we face in this plane, this existence. 

While we have trials to face that bring us experiences, THERE IS ONLY ONE TRIAL, that is to discover our Spirit while we are here. Once we have mastered the “Who we are” we shall never have to rediscover it in the guise of a human being again.

Our only persistent goal here on this plane is to understand the reality of Spirit to understand that once we know ourselves, that we create all we see and draw to ourselves, that we have the power to do it negatively as well as positively only then do we understand that the only change we need in life is that acceptance.

Acceptance of the soul ,of the world we have created together and individually and, that worry is only a consequence of that and it is a completely unnecessary part of it.

Once we get over into Spirit we shall understand that so much, ninety percent of what we as Humans have worried about here on this plane is so unnecessary, that much is created by our own minds that we do not need, that when we let it go we can see the love that surrounds , that is us. That we are love, all interconnected, to bring that to the fore is the great plan that we especially in this time, have come to bring to its conclusion.

We are blessed to be here at this time we have chosen it to be so. We are living in a world that beckons us to bring out the best of it and ourselves, and whilst it applies biologically it is meant in a Spirit form, in a form of love, unbridled consciousness, unbridled energy that we are.

Our greatest asset is our soul it is a bright spark of the divine, if we could see it without the clouds we ourselves bind to it, we will know that each of us individually in our own pure form are each brighter than the sun.

The sun itself is pale in comparison and it is this that we each strive for. So many can reach that epitome in letting go of all stress and worry that we, and only we, create for ourselves. We choose to hold onto a thing that binds us. Once we let go without fear then can we only begin to see that which we are. Should even so few of us begin this journey then how far we could change this plane we live in.

Let us give our souls freedom so in letting go we bring the light of a million souls, eclipsing a trillion suns easily, finally we can bring to this place the peace it so deserves.

None of us realise the full potential we have, we are unlimited, we can bring anything to us that we need, effortlessly, and understanding is the key. The only understanding we need is of ourselves what we truly are that is, we are pure energy, pure love, it is what we have always been, what we always shall be, we are the purest energy which cannot ever be transmuted. Our energy is optimal in our purest existence we can, with the will of the great creator, create ourselves whole worlds and universes.

This power is within you, it is at that peak  effortless. And all you need to do is begin with the mastery of self, ignore the body concentrate the soul on the ignoring of all that irritates, that has no place in your world or this world as you currently see. This is all an illusion. What you can discover is THE TRUTH it is all you need to transcend this place.

Master it, have no need to come back and eternity to experience is yours. We are infinite, we are part of the Godhead, fractions of a fractal… and until we see it for real we see only that which we occupy the minute part so much smaller than a atom and we think it is so important.

Free yourselves, free your minds and know that anything is possible, our only limit is ourselves. We come to this place to join others, to set all peoples free, that is our purpose and in freeing ourselves we lift all with us including this place we live in, live on.

Our sufferings are led by ourselves and we do not need it do not accept it. Live the light because it is all that you are all that you should aspire to be. The creator has blessed you with this knowledge, free it bring it to your fore mind, and you shall see and experience the greatest blessings that you can in this limited place. Free your soul and mind, send you energy out and create miracles.

 They say we are only six people way from someone famous we know. We are not only closer to Spirit but because we are Spirit in a different form we are actually inside others, inside the creator.

We often ask where is “God” we do not understand that we are so close that we intertwine. We are each other, we are part of the light energy that needs to be released. Because we measure ourselves in “Our time and space” we can see we are minute in the scheme of the universe and we accept it and live our lives by it. We are by this choice limiting ourselves greatly.

Knowing this is all an illusion, we should see that we are attached to the furthest particles of light energy trillions of light years away, because we are the same. The same particles, the same, exactly the same. Embrace this truth and this illusion will fall away, no longer will we measure our selves by self imposed boundaries.

There is no such thing as time, there is no such thing as only three dimensions, this is a man made construct, it is constructed to bind us and when we let it, it does. Time does not exist anywhere but it mans mind, it is a major obstacle it is as obstructive as saying that this table or chair is solid. It only appears solid.

Use your logic. You know even basic science. We know there are atoms, we can understand pictures of atoms we know there is space around them… Space…  think about it, SPACE…. SPACE. We know this to be true and in doing so, we know that this space can be interpenetrated easily by other things we cannot see. We cannot sense them because we think in boundaries we think “IT IS NOT POSSIBLE” WE THINK IN TERMS OF EARTH. Of its limitations, we think in terms of what we call reality which is illusion.

As we know and understand that there is space around all we see – the molecules, the atoms then try to understand that nothing we feel or connect with is solid.


It moves in its set vibration as we ourselves do. Alter your vibration through love, clear thought and a knowing that we are that same energy and this is fake, illusion, solidity falls away when the truth is expounded, and the knowledge is unleashed.

We can move molecules, we do it by “science” we degrade, purify to make the things we feel we need making aluminium for example. We can already achieve a movement of form, of various states of solidity.

Jesus said of miracles, “This I do ye shall do also” once we see that nothing in reality is solid nothing is “stable” that it can be interpenetrated and that we can with the greatest power (our energy) change this or that then we shall understand all things better.

The only thing that holds us back is our failing minds, free our minds and countless worlds open their doors to you. However much we think we know about this world and countless universes history teaches us that all things change it has to, nothing is still even from the point that everything in this panes vibrates to a certain pitch.

As in water to wine it is just a changing of molecules determined by our will once it is released. In Spirit all is created by the mind. Everything appears as solid as it does here. One thing is different (bearing in mind where you find yourself, determined by your limitations and expectations), in Spirit we know we can change things, it is an accepted part of that purer state.

It is “Normal” IT IS THE NORMAL STATE that is, at the same time a minute or gigantic difference. Once grasped in Spirit then we know that through love and expression anything can and will be achieved it is a state of ecstasy, the realisation  that what you have there is nearer the truth  and that you cannot ever be destroyed, pure energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be transformed, that realisation brings the ecstasy free from all worries. We call that “Heaven” why not reproduce it here as best you can?

Again so much of what we worry about here is so negligible once we see it from Spirit perspective a truer perspective. Bring that into your lives now, begin today and you can achieve your own “Heaven.” Here you may think it is a miracle but so many have achieved it already although a small fraction of the population in comparison so far, but now is not the time to wait to join a queue as it were, be in front of the queue no one will mind, those who are enlightened will gladly give their place to you. It is a proving of their mastery over this world.

I was taught from spirit many years ago “those who push and shove their way through life, those who push others out of the way in order to get to the front of the queue will find out, when they pass into Spirit, that the queue is facing the wrong way.” It is so true it is not what we do, it is the way we do it. A sound Spiritual truth so many misunderstand. Give your place away in this existence and you make your place nearer the head of the queue in the next.

Many of us admire Mother Theresa, Gandhi etc, etc. We say they are high souls; they are saints and other forms of salutations. What we do not understand is they found themselves, they gave up fear and worry they understood what it is to acknowledge the Spirit within. They found themselves.

Your Spirit is yearning, crying out to be discovered to be set free. Emulate those whom you admire. We say they are great people… they are just people who found themselves, why do you not acknowledge you can be no, are, the same.

We are all of the same essence we are all part of the creator and therefore all part of each other everything interpenetrates and therefore can be under our command see it, know it, understand it, play that game, not the game you think you have before you.

We are all each other, respect each other know each other, know there are limitations of this place, this plane that actually, does not need to apply to you, free yourselves know you are eternal that we are energy and so is everything we touch and feel that as we mould dough, we can also mould our lives and help others to see the light so they can mould themselves.

Do this one precious thing, give this precious gift to just one person through your life and you will have achieved a miracle of ponderous proportions. It is a wonderful and gigantic thing you will have done.

Change that pitch within yourselves and make that first small miracle, change your life change your outer body and bring to the fore your soul, as pure as you can get it, in this “world”.

Some signs and symptoms of inner peace:
• A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experiences.
• An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.
• A loss of interest in judging other people.
• A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others.
• A loss of interest in conflict.
• A loss of the ability to worry. (This is a very serious symptom).
• Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation.
• Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature.
• Frequent attacks of smiling.
• An increasing tendency to let things happen rather than make them happen.
• An increased susceptibility to the love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it.

The soul is pure love, pure peace, pure wisdom. We must accept everything changes, my soul, your soul does not. What we feel (incorrectly) that changes (us) is just the rediscovery of our pure self.

Remember whilst we are human (here) that we are Spirit first and foremost.

Another day starts and it is a chance to give life, hope and love.

 That to which I attach, brings me down.

Material things are just that… material,

it degrades, fails and withers, rusts,

the soul does not, it cannot, it only grows and purifies.




(This is a continuation from part 5)

(This would be fairly close to a real cross-examination- the information is taken from what closed-minded materialist J.Zwingi Randi has ALREADY ACCEPTED and IMPLIED. Some very minor flexibility and embellishment consistent with Zwingi Randi’s beliefs and record have been used for easier reading and understanding of the script. Words in caps are there for emphasis – very important in cross-examination).

Part 6: The ‘Carlos Hoax’.

Victor: You’re on record for showing that you are some kind of an expert at organizing HOAXES. Right?

Randi: Yes … I do things to show …


Randi: … Alright …. alright …

Victor: And with all your expertise at at organizing HOAXES does not the record show that you were not able to catch just ONE gifted medium as fraud?

Randi: They’re all frauds …

Victor: Projecting again?… Let me quickly preface the next question: the record shows that – you virtually said you gave careful coaching to this Jose Alvarez in this ‘CARLOS’ HOAX. Sometime in 1987 you sent this fraud Jose Alvarez to Australia for him to pose as a guru supposedly channelling a thousand year old spirt and to deceive, to lie, to be DISHONEST, to cheat, to get into a public nuisance, RIGHT?

Randi: That’s right … but I don’t call it cheating, … I call it education …

Victor: But you admit that it was a HOAX?

Randi: … yes, yes it was a hoax …

Victor: Are you trying to PLATE SIN WITH GOLD?
In other words, are you trying to say that a HOAX – which means deception and dishonesty … ought to be regarded as a positive thing and that people should make dishonesty and cheating socially acceptable?… yes or no …

Randi: Yes … I mean NO … no … but the hoax was successful.


Randi: Yes it was …. It was the media which promoted the affair …

Victor: Did you not claim that national television Channel 9 ’60 minutes’ television station contacted you even before Alvarez left the United States?

Randi: Yes, I did …

Victor: So, you CLAIM, you and Channel 9 ’60 Minutes’ concocted this Carlos hoax. Do you know that 60 Minutes Channel 9 completely DENIES that?

Randi: I communicated with them and they responded …

Victor: But according to the public record YOU contacted the television station first … right?

Randi: Yes, you could say that …

Victor: Does not the record show that this fraudulent Alvarez trained in dishonesty by you was EXPOSED by Channel 9’s own 60 MINUTES television show journalist George Negus?

Randi: He was not exposed …

Victor: Oh no? Then why, according to published media reports, one of your stooges, during the television interview, threw a glass of water onto Channel 9 journalist George Negus’ face when George Negus EXPOSED your stooge as a FRAUD?

Randi: (No answer …)

Victor: The humiliating exposing of your stooge was widedly publicised … don’t yo know that?

Randi: No, the hoax was successful

Victor: Didn’t you know that local experts briefed tough journalist George Negus that Jose Alvarez was a FAKE, a cheat and a liar – that he was saying the wrong things, waving his hands up and down in a blatant unnatural, artificial and incompetent and meaningless way – that this Alvarez very shortly was seen as a joke trying to fool decent, honest people?

Randi: No, I don’t accept that ..

Victor: What would you say to the response given by Channel 9 that Channel 9 LEGALLY did NOT and COULD NOT CO-OPERATE with you, they received information about the event and they just REPORTED the event as they’d report any bizarre event?

Randi: It must have been under a different network manager …..

Victor: But you said just now that Channel 9 co-organized the Carlos Affair HOAX with you to fool the public … don’t you know that if a television or any media company participates in deliberate public fraudulent conduct to mislead and to deceive, it could pay heavy statutory monitory penalties – over ONE MILLION DOLLARSand it could lose its television license to broadcast nationally
…. and
YOU try to tell and impute to the court and the public that Channel 9’s SIXTY MINUTES program organized the Carlos HOAX on your behalf or in conjuction with you to take HUGE risks …. on some unemployed foreign tourist called Alvarez residing in Bronx in the United States on a very short visit to Sydney …. to INTENTIONALLY and deliberately promote FRAUD and DISHONESTY … and to participate in misleading and DECEPTIVE CONCUCT TO CHEAT THE AUSTRALIAN PUBLIC?

Randi: (silent) … Victor (looks at the judge) Yes, yes …

Judge: (to Randi) Answer the question …

Randi: Can’t answer that … Nobody would be able to prove that anyone was deceived …

Victor: Don’t you know that the relevant Federal statutory law – in relation to misleading and fraudulent conduct – shows that the complainant does NOT have to prove fraud, merely to show that the conduct COULD be misleading, it COULD be fraudulent – which in this case would be VERY easy to do?

Randi: I don’t know these things …

Victor: I’m sure the jury heard your answer to that one … Didn’t you know that Australians are some ten times more skeptical than Americans and they always use the ‘presumption of fraud’ when some ALLEGED overseas guru visits Australia to fleece them of their hard earned money?

Randi: I didn’t know people in Australia were that skeptical as you say they are …

Victor: Why don’t you want to accept that whilst Alvarez might have fooled a few people INITIALLY using deception and fraud, he was EXPOSED as the GREATEST FRAUD who ever visited Australia?

Randi: I still say that the Carlos Affair was successful …

Victor: Do you mean you were successful in the dishonesty, fraudulent and misleading conduct and cheating you organized through your stooge Alvarez?

Randi: It wasn’t dishonesty …

Victor: YOU CONCEDED YOU WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE HOAX – and is not a HOAX about misleading and fooling decent people, about dishonesty, fraud, lying, cheating is that your contribution in this world as a human being?

Randi: (keeps quiet)… It was honest ….

Victor: Yeah … doing ‘honest deception’ again …


Review of the Live Aura Video In Spirit Messenger.

We have had a review of the demonstration of Live Aura Video in the Spirit Messenger magazine.

Here it is. We have had a rash of offers to demonstrate again which we are now sorting. If you have applied please be patient, thank you.

Blog at