Mediumship and Life after Death

May 22, 2011

Manifest your health, wealth rejuvenate and rebuild your body.

I am going to try a mad experiment. It sounds off the wall but I have used “The Secret” succesfully before.

As everything in the world has abundance, as we can ask for whatever we want, providing we ask the right way – I suspect also for the right reasons,  I have in mind an experiment which will transform my life and will provide some proof that being spiritual and humble IS THE WAY TO BE.

On Wednesday the 18th May I found myself uncharacteristically accelerating on my motorbike away from the lights towards a roundabout, do not ask me why it is one of those moments in life, it is life changing in the way that only such a small thing can have such an impact. This is always for a reason usually unfathomable until it is in plain sight.

As you know, I use The Secret and you can trace the steps where I have bothered to name them, elsewhere in this blog.

I have a very good friend called Suzanne, she also uses The Secret. Suzanne is a constant inspiration to me.

I realised that I was running out of road and as the bike was leaning, I knew that you could not brake like that. I had to straighten up which of course steers you straight too. I braked midway and the front wheel went, as is its will. I hit the tarmac hard with my chest, bounced onto my right side. The bike also hit its left and bounced over onto its right we slid and I was aware of it passing me. I could hear the crash helmet scraping along the tarmac and it ended up being broke.

I was wearing my beloved Hugo Boss leather jacket (not a biking one) and it was torn to shreds. I got up winded and mentally checked myself. In reality, I had not slid far and there was little damage to the bike except for the gear lever, which was bent. Several good Samaritans asked if I was ok and did I need an ambulance etc, bless them all.

Although not bruised at all even now three days later I had hurt my ankle, calf and chest on the left side. Several may say I was lucky, I know I was. Why I accelerated, totally out of character, has now become quite clear.

I have over the last few years, over twenty, become quite ill in various ways, due to various reasons. More importantly, I had changed a condition of mind to cope with what I had seen as “my world” it has brought great experience that for which I am grateful.

However, this has become unwieldy; it is not necessary and quite frankly is of no further use to me. Not being able to even get up the following day made me think. What I had become health wise, and Spiritually and as a medium aside, what a state I was in because of circumstances I had allowed and to an extent, invited into my life.

Such inspiration is not always an epiphany like explosion. Sometime it is slow and deliberate so you can take it in a morsel at a time.

When I did marshal arts, my mind would not accept pain. If an injury occurred I would for example push or bang the injury, not to make it worse but to say to my body “Whatever pain you think you can give me, I can make it worse, I am the master of this body, the only pain I accept is that which I give it, NOT WHAT IT GIVES ME” I used this so successfully.

These thoughts drifted through and again with inspiration from Suzanne began to see that. I am total master of this body; it does nothing without my control.

Suzanne and I talked about The Secret a few days later and it dawned on me again, reinforced if you like what we knew from it but also what I knew and experienced.

The second day after the accident I told my body that I was not having it anymore. No pain, no soreness, no it having a “Tiff” from that afternoon I was better. I have made what I consider to be quite a recovery. Remember I am 54 right now and had quite a slam into the tarmac.

This brings me neatly into what I want to say. I am overweight by a few stone. I am unfit and in other terms not well. However, I have recovered remarkably and so I have now made up my mind very firmly indeed.

I am going to rejuvenate this body. I am going to lose weight. I am going to be well and more remarkably I am going to return to an age of 30 years old in a physical sense.

Marvellous things can be achieved with the mind. The mind makes us what we are; the mind makes our circumstances and brings in everything into our lives that we ask for whether we know this or not.

For some this seems incomprehensible because they say, “look at all this destruction, sadness and chaos look at the financial holocaust I am in, who could want this? If you do not understand why then read The Secret, or see the film. It will show you why.

Now I know that great wealth, happiness and more importantly health and rejuvenation will be mine because “I WILL IT” I will manifest it, I can transform anything I like in my life and now I will do it. For me this is as much an experiment to prove to myself what I already know to be true, but as importantly it will be one that will prove to others that not only can it be done, but they can, and should be doing it too.

I hope that this will inspire you as much as it has me. I am looking forwards to a body of a 30 year old again more than that, I am going to regain the physical appearance of when I was my best in martial arts. I have at this time to wear glasses and have done so for many years. I shall have no need of them for I shall instruct my body that they are of no further use because my eyes will be fine.

There has been a reason (as always in my life) for the illness and stress. And this is, because it is provable that I was that way. That it shall be provable that I have dramatically changed and that the reason I claim it has changed is the power of Spirit, not only “from Spirit” but also from my Spirit.

It has been well stated this is not reality. This is but a dream. So… dream like I shall give myself a dream body, my dream body, not anybody else’s necessarily, and I shall give myself a dream life. THEREFORE, I can hold it up as an example, to show others, this is no miracle it is what you can do also.

I am not going to lose weight by dieting. I am instructing my body to do it. When I have lost weight, I shall continue to become well and fit.

At this moment in time, I weigh 112 kilo the heaviest I have ever been. I shall at sometime show before and after photos. I will not do so now because it will confirm “What I am” if only at this time and that is a negative. It is not important where I am at this time, what is most important is what I shall become.

We all have this ability. To become what we want. We do it subconsciously, why not do it consciously?

Light, always, Leo.

1 Comment »

  1. There is a prayer that lives in the center of your heart.

    Comment by Anonymous — June 15, 2011 @ 8:38 am | Reply

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